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伯克利Brian A.Barsky教授学术报告(一)
发布时间  :  2012-05-21点击量  :  

报告题目: Vision Realistic Rendering
报 告 人: Brian A.Barsky, Professor of UC Berkeley
邀请单位: 人工智能与机器人研究所
报告时间: 10:00-12:00AM, 2012年5月24日 (星期四)
报告地点: 逸夫科学馆207会议室


Vision-realistic rendering (VRR) is the computer generation of synthetic
images to simulate a subject's vision, by incorporating the
characteristics of a particular individual’s entire optical system.
Using measured aberration data from a Shack-Hartmann wavefront
aberrometry device, VRR modifies input images to simulate the appearance
of the scene for the individual patient. Each input image can be a
photograph, synthetic image created by computer, frame from a video, or
standard Snellen acuity eye chart -- as long as there is accompanying
depth information. An eye chart is very revealing, since it shows what
the patient would see during an eye examination, and provides an
accurate picture of his or her vision. Using wavefront aberration
measurements, we determine a discrete blur function by sampling at a set
of focusing distances, specified as a set of depth planes that
discretize the three-dimensional space. For each depth plane, we
construct an object-space blur filter. VRR methodolgy comprises several
steps: (1) creation of a set of depth images, (2) computation of blur
filters, (3) stratification of the image, (4) blurring of each depth
image, and (5) composition of the blurred depth images to form a single
vision-simulated image.

VRR provides images and videos of simulated vision to enable a
patient's eye doctor to see the specific visual anomalies of the
patient. In addition to blur, VRR could reveal to the doctor the
multiple images or distortions present in the patient's vision that
would not otherwise be apparent from standard visual acuity
measurements. VRR could educate medical students as well as patients
about the particular visual effects of certain vision disorders (such as
keratoconus and monocular diplopia) by enabling them to view images and
videos that are generated using the optics of various eye conditions. By
measuring PRK/LASIK patients pre- and post-op, VRR could provide doctors
with extensive, objective, information about a patient's vision before
and after surgery. Potential candiates contemplating surgery could see
simulations of their predicted vision and of various possible visual
anomalies that could arise from the surgery, such as glare at night. The
current protocol, where patients sign a consent form that can be
difficult for a layperson to understand fully, could be supplemented by
the viewing of a computer-generated video of simulated vision showing
the possible visual problems that could be engendered by the surgery.


Brian A. Barsky is Professor of Computer Science and Vision Science, and
Affiliate Professor of Optometry, at the University of California at
Berkeley, USA. He is also a member of the Joint Graduate Group in
Bioengineering, an interdisciplinary and inter-campus program, between
UC Berkeley and UC San Francisco, and a Fellow of the American Academy
of Optometry (F.A.A.O.). Professor Barsky has co-authored technical
articles in the broad areas of computer aided geometric design and
modeling, interactive three-dimensional computer graphics, visualization
in scientific computing, computer aided cornea modeling and
visualization, medical imaging, and virtual environments for surgical
simulation. He is also a co-author of the book /An Introduction to
Splines for Use in Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling/, co-editor
of the book /Making Them Move: Mechanics, Control, and Animation of
Articulated Figures/, and author of the book /Computer Graphics and
Geometric Modeling Using Beta-splines/. Professor Barsky also held
visiting positions in numerous universities of European and Asian
countries. He is also a speaker at many international meetings, an
editor for technical journal and book series in computer graphics and
geometric modelling, and a recipient of an IBM Faculty Development Award
and a National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award.
Further information about Professor Barsky can be found at